Notas detalhadas sobre grupo coral

Local economies near major coral reefs benefit from an abundance of fish and other marine creatures as a food source. Reefs also provide recreational scuba diving and snorkeling tourism.

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[28] High failure rates afflict many stages of this process, and even though millions of gametes are released by each colony, few new colonies form. The time from spawning to settling is usually two to three days, but can be up to two months.[29] The larva grows into a polyp and eventually becomes a coral head by asexual budding and growth.

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[10] In most corals, the tentacles are retracted by day and spread out at night to catch plankton mais and other small organisms. Shallow water species of both stony and soft corals can be zooxanthellate, the corals supplementing their plankton diet with the products of photosynthesis produced by these symbionts.[8] The polyps interconnect by mais info a complex and well-developed system of gastrovascular canals, allowing significant sharing of nutrients and symbionts.[11]

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Soft corals vary considerably in form, and most are colonial. A few soft corals are stolonate, but the polyps of most are connected by sheets of coenosarc [def], and in some species these sheets are thick and the polyps deeply embedded fonte in them.

Some soft corals encrust other sea objects or form lobes. Others are tree-like or whip-like and chem a central axial skeleton embedded at its base in the matrix of the supporting branch.[nove] These branches are composed either of a fibrous protein called gorgonin or of a calcified material.

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The comparison of coral strontium/calcium minimums with sea surface temperature maximums, data recorded from NINO 3.4 veja mais SSTA, time can be correlated to coral strontium/calcium and δ18O variations. To confirm accuracy of the annual relationship between Sr/Ca and δ18O variations, a perceptible association to annual coral growth rings confirms the age conversion.

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